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Ascot Races Betting

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Ascot Races Betting

As everyone knows, the very first horse race in history was held in England. Over the years, it grew into a powerful sporting and entertaining industry. Major races, including Royal Ascot, attract thousands of sports fans and bettors alike. Along with watching an exciting event, any fans enjoy Ascot Race betting. Both online and land-based bookmakers offer profitable Ascot odds, while bettors place Ascot bet on favorites.

Ascot betting tips

If you decided to hone your skills in Ascot Races betting, start with choosing the time and the venue of a competition. On online bookmaker websites, you will find all necessary information, including a racecourse, distance, time, and different type.

One of the main tips is to focus on participant. Like human athletes, participants are characterized by a number of physical parameters. Although bookmakers do not provide such information to bettors, it affects odds in a direct way.

Royal Ascot

You need to find all the relevant information on the internet (be sure to pick trustworthy sources) or on the our site. To make the correct betting prediction, you also need to know your selected participant’s performance in previous Ascot Horse Racing (AHR), its parameters, and jockey’s physical shape and skills. When analyzing the results of previous races, pay attention to distance, weather conditions, racecourse cover, jockey’s weight and experience, and others. Moreover, be sure to focus on Ascot odds.

Ascot Horse Racing

Ascot Racecourse hosts the world-famous AHR, a top-ranking horse competition in England. AHR is a prestigious event visited by the Queen and other royal family members. Racecourse was established in 1711 by Queen Anne. Thousands of fans visit the racecourse during Royal week to enjoy betting and cash in on its opportunities.

Horse racing, including Ascot Races, is an integral part of Great Britain’s long, rich history. This major sporting event receives major media coverage. Numerous sports fans tune in to watch the exciting competition on TV. It comes as no surprise that newspapers and TV channels pay more attention to celebrities visiting the Race rather than actual results of the event. Nonetheless, betting is one the major entertainments offered.

Ascot Horse Racing

AHR features eighteen flat races over the course of five days. You can choose any race and horse to place an Ascot bet on. The first race starts at 2.30 pm, while the last run starts at 5.35 pm. Betting is a true pleasure for all bettors, both amateur and professional. Moreover, it provides a bunch of money-making opportunities you won’t find anywhere else.

Greeted by the audience, the Queen arrives at the Racecourse in her horse-drawn royal carriage. Queen Elizabeth II and other royal family members attend Race annually. A keen horse breeding and racing lover, Queen Elizabeth II first attended the Event in 1945, at a young age of 19. She has not missed a single one of them ever since.

Just like any bettor, Queen Elizabeth II picks the best participant to place an bet. By the way, the head of the monarchy owns plenty of thoroughbred horses. The Queen’s horses take part in the competition as well. Her Majesty’s participants have won the Race as many as twenty times. It comes as no surprise that Ascot betting tips recommend to bet on Queen’s horses.

Ascot Horse Racing

For the last time, the Chesham Stakes race was won by a royal horse named Free Agen in July of 2008.

As surprising as it may sound, you can betting even on the color of the Queen’s dress. She wear a different one on each day of the event. Horse races have always been an entertainment for rich and famous people. The Royal week is a top social event in both Great Britain and Europe. Bookmakers start to offer options several months before the spectacular event. During the Royal week, the event are attended by over 300,000 guests.